The WCC annually organizes an Award Ceremony at which the awards are conferred. Each ceremony is held in a different country with a renowned university or academic institute acting as host.
In rewarding outstanding individuals, the World Cultural Council pays tribute to their significant and remarkable achievements and to the inspiration that they bring as role models for a new generation.
Institutions that wish additional information about hosting a Ceremony should contact the Secretary General.

Australia 1991 – Australian National University
Date: 14 Nov 1991 Place of Ceremony: Chancellor’s Building Host Institution: Australian National University Host Country: Canberra, Australia The Australian National University in Canberra, Australia acted as host to recognise Prof. Albert Fleckenstein for his work in the field of cardiovascular physiology, specifically his pioneering investigations of transmembrane calcium channels

Switzerland 1990 – Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule
Date: 22 Nov 1990 Place of Ceremony: Cupola Room Host Institution: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Host Country: Zurich, Switzerland Prof. Gustav Nossal, Professor of Medical Biology at the University of Melbourne, Australia was granted with the Albert Einstein World Award of Science. Many contributions to immunology, his discovery of the cellular

USA 1989 – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Date: 08 November 1989 Place of Ceremony: Edgerton Lecture Hall Host Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Host Country: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA The Official Awarding Ceremony took place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Among the many pioneering contributions to biochemistry done by Dr. Martin Kamen, winner of

México 1988 – Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Date: 19 November 1988 Place of Ceremony: Palacio de Bellas Artes Host Institution: Instituto Politécnico Nacional Host Country: México City, México In 1988 the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City and the National Polytechnic Institute acted as host to the World Cultural Council, Prof. Margaret Burbidge, was selected as

Germany 1987 – University of Heidelberg
Date: 26 November 1987 Place of Ceremony: Alte Aula Host Institution: University of Heidelberg Host Country: Heidelberg, Germany Prof. Hugh Huxley from England received the Albert Einstein World Award of Science at the University of Heidelberg, Germany for his contributions to molecular biology, notably his classic work in the field of

México 1986 – Universidad de Guadalajara
Date: 06 November 1986 Place of Ceremony: Teatro Degollado Host Institution: Universidad de Guadalajara Host Country: Guadalajara, México The University of Guadalajara in Guadalajara, México works together with the World Cultural Council to honour Dr. Monkombu S. Swaminathan as the winner of the Albert Einstein World Award of Science. He

Sweden 1985 – Royal Institute of Technology
Date: 21 November 1985 Place of Ceremony: Kollegiesalen Host Institution: Royal Institute of Technology Host Country: Stockholm, Sweden The World Cultural Council celebrated with the host of the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden the Award Ceremony. Prof. Werner Stumm received the Albert Einstein World Award of Science in

México 1984 – World Cultural Council
Date: 29 November 1984 Place of Ceremony: Auditorio San Pedro Host Institution: World Cultural Council Host Country: Monterrey, Nuevo León, México The Albert Einstein World Award of Science is delivered by first time, in 1984 in Monterrey, México. The price is granted to Dr. Ricardo Bressani, a Guatemalan research scientist