Guidelines for Nominations for the WCC Awards
Please ensure that you adhere to the guidelines as set out when preparing nominations. These WCC award nomination guidelines are in place to uphold the integrity of the selection process and to ensure that the most suitable candidates are chosen for the recognition. It is imperative that all required material for a nomination is provided including qualifications, experience, skills, and notable impact and achievements, are provided at the time of nomination. This approach promotes fairness and transparency and allows the jury to make informed decisions. Following these guidelines will result in a more structured and effective selection process, leading to better outcomes for all involved.
Nominating Authorities for the Prizes
Candidates for the awards may be selected and proposed only through the following authorities in any country:
- The President or the Prime Minister of a country
- Ministers of Science and Technology or Culture and Education
- Directors of academic institutes and organizations
- University leaders: Rector, President, Provost or Dean
- Members of the World Cultural Council
Science Nominees
Nominees for the Albert Einstein World Award of Science should be eminent scientists whose achievements can serve as an inspiration for future generations. Considerations will be given to individuals or institutions in one of the Life Sciences, such as Neuroscience, Earth Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine or Chemistry; or in one of the Natural Sciences such as Physics, Mathematics or Astronomy. The prize is awarded every year.
Read more about the characteristics of Science Award winners.
Arts Nominees
A candidate for the Leonardo da Vinci World Awards of Arts should be a renowned artist, sculptor, painter, writer, poet, cinematographer, photographer, architect, musician or other performing, creative or visionary artist, whose work constitutes a significant contribution to the artistic legacy of the world. The prize is awarded every second year.
Read more about the characteristics of Arts Award winners.
Education Nominees
A candidate for the José Vasconcelos World Award of Education should be a renowned educator, an authority in the field of teaching, or an individual who has promoted education policies. Through their work, the individual or team should have had a significant influence on the advancement of culture for humankind. The prize is awarded every second year.
Read more about the characteristics of Education Award winners.
Influence of Their Work
In addition to considering the candidate’s breakthrough achievements, the jury will also take into account the service which each candidate has made to humankind. This may take various forms. For example:
- Promoting academic excellence and identify role models who inspire future generations to contribute to a better world.
- Encouraging sustained leadership.
- Enhancing a culture of altruism.
Nomination submission outline
Additional information
The submission are made through our Online Nomination Form.
Please kindly note that you should prepare all the attachments prior to filling in the form, since it is not possible to save an incomplete form and continue filling later.
1. Submission Process:
Fill in all required fields marked with an asterisk (*).
Press “submit” button at the end of the form and wait for the “submission successful” confirmation.
After submitting, send a confirmation email to nominations@consejoculturalmundial.org
2. Document Requirements:
All documents and additional information must be in English.
Text documents: Acceptable formats are DOC, DOCX, or PDF, with a maximum size of 10MB per document.
Photograph: Acceptable formats TIFF, EPS, JPEG, PDF, or BPM, with a maximum size of 20MB.
3. Nominee Information:
Select an award category, provide the candidate’s complete name, country, institution, current position, field of research or work.
Provide office and home addresses, including street, city, state, postal code, and country.
Include phone and mobile numbers (including country code), with email, and website (if available). For contact phone numbers, use only numbers (no letters or symbols).
State the candidate’s marital status.
4. Nominator Information:
Provide the nominator’s name, country, institution, current position.
Include office address details and contact information similar to nominee section.
5. Attachments Required:
Nomination Letter: Official institution letterhead with stamp and signature.
Reference Letters: Two reference letters on official institution letterhead.
Resume: 1-2 pages outlining reasons for nomination and key achievements.
Curriculum Vitae: Maximum of three pages.
Papers: List of the candidate’s 10 most important papers.
List of Publications: Complete list of publications with titles translated into English.
Photograph: Recent, high-resolution (300 dpi or more) color photograph of the candidate.
Answers to most often asked questions can be found in the Nominations FAQ.
For further details on the nomination requirements, please see our Online Nomination Form.
Please contact us for any further assistance.