Prof. Raymond U. Lemieux
Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1992 Field of Research: Organic Chemistry Date: 27 November 1992 Place of Ceremony: Lester B. Pearson Building Host Institution: The National Research Council Host Country: Ottawa, Canada Ottawa, Canada, November 1992. The World Cultural Council presented the 1992 Albert Einstein World Award of Science

Prof. Albert Fleckenstein
Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1991 Field of Research: Physiology Date: 14 Nov 1991 Place of Ceremony: Chancellor´s Building Host Institution: Australian National University Host Country: Canberra, Australia Canberra, Australia. November 1991. The World Cultural Council presented the 1991 Albert Einstein World Award of Science to Prof. Albrecht Fleckenstein,

Prof. Gustav Nossal
Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1990 Field of Research: Immunology Date: 22 Nov 1990 Place of Ceremony: Cupola Room Host Institution: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Host Country: Zurich, Switzerland Zurich. Switzerland November 1990. The World Cultural Council presented the 1990 Albert Einstein World Award of Science to Prof. Sir Gustav

Dr. Martin Kamen
Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1989 Field of Research: Biochemistry Date: 08 November 1989 Place of Ceremony: Edgerton Lecture Hall Host Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Host Country: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, November 1989. The World Cultural Council presented the 1989 Albert Einstein World Award of Science

Prof. Margaret Burbidge
Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1988 Field of Research: Astrophysics Date: 19 November 1988 Place of Ceremony: Palacio de Bellas Artes Host Institution: National Polytechnic Institute Host Country: México City, México In 1988 the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City and the National Polytechnic Institute acted as host

Prof. Hugh E. Huxley
Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1987 Field of Research: Molecular Biology Date: 26 November 1987 Place of Ceremony: Alte Aula Host Institution: University of Heidelberg Host Country: Heidelberg, Germany Prof. Hugh E. Huxley was born in Birkenhead Cheshire, England and at present Professor Emeritus of Biology at the Rosenstiel

Dr. Monkumbu S. Swatinathan
Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1986 Field of Research: Agriculture Date: 06 November 1986 Place of Ceremony: Teatro Degollado Host Institution: University of Guadalajara Host Country: Guadalajara, México The University of Guadalajara in Guadalajara, México works together with the World Cultural Council to honour Dr. Monkombu S. Swaminathan as

Prof. Werner Stumm
Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1985 Field of Research: Environmental Sciences Date: 21 November 1985 Place of Ceremony: Kollegiesalen Host Institution: Royal Institute of Technology Host Country: Stockholm, Sweden Prof. Stumm was granted the Albert Einstein World Award of Science in recognition to his contributions to environmental science and

Dr. Ricardo Bressani
Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1984 Field of Research: Nutrition Date: 29 November 1984 Place of Ceremony: Auditorio San Pedro Host Institution: World Cultural Council Host Country: Monterrey, Nuevo León, México The Albert Einstein World Award of Science is delivered by first time, in 1984 in Monterrey, México. The