Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1998
Field of Research: Environmental Sciences
Date: 19 November 1998
Place of Ceremony: Hunter Building
Host Institution: Victoria University of Wellington
Host Country: Wellington, New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand, November 1998. The World Cultural Council presented the 1998 Albert Einstein World Award of Science to Prof. Charles R. Goldman, Professor of limnology, at the Department of Environmental Science & Policy, University of California, Davis, USA. The Official Award Ceremony took place at the Victoria University of Wellington, which acted as host for 1998.
This recognition made by the members of the interdisciplinary Committee of the World Cultural Council to Prof. Goldman is due ti the valuable, remarkable, and diverse contributions to scientific research and conservation during his 40 year professional career.
In particular it is Prof. Goldman’s productive trajectory for more than years of research on Lake Tahoe, and the environmental research program he created and sustained, that prompted members of the international science community to honor him.
Prof. Goldman was born in 1930. His research career started at the University of Illinois, (BA. Geology) in 1952, (MS Zoology) in 1955, and he earned his Ph. D. (Limnology-Fisheries) in 1958 at the University of Michigan.
He has published four books and 398 scientific articles, and has produced four documentary films, which are in worldwide distribution. He has served on many national and international committees and his frequently sought for consultation and research missions to foreign countries on major environmental problems.
During Prof. Goldman’s important career, he has been awarded with many prestigious national and international awards, and many of these students have leaders themselves in ecological research.