Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1985
Field of Research: Environmental Sciences
Date: 21 November 1985
Place of Ceremony: Kollegiesalen
Host Institution: Royal Institute of Technology
Host Country: Stockholm, Sweden
Prof. Stumm was granted the Albert Einstein World Award of Science in recognition to his contributions to environmental science and his significant influence to the implementation of water pollution control measures in Switzerland as well as in other countries. He made significant contributions to the theory and practice of water quality control and to the education of environmental engineers. Prof. Stumm contributed distinctively to the field of water chemistry, including equilibrium studies, iron oxidation kinetics, corrosion chemistry, eutrophication, coagulation–flocculation, and, perhaps most importantly, the evolution of fresh waters and marine waters. His work resulted from careful theory, experimentation, and quantitative analysis of particle–water and air–water interfaces at the molecular and atomic scales.